Thursday, January 10, 2008

LA's "Renaissance."

I'm pretty excited about what's developing in Los Angeles. For those that don't know a lot of LA is developing in ways it hasn't in decades. Downtown LA is receiving the most attention as there has been a push to make it a destination. There's "Live LA" being built right across from the Staples Center where numerous shops, restaurants and studios will be located to draw in the night life. Numerous hotels, lofts and apartments are being erected and, thankfully, so are the future tenants evidents with the large number of down payments being made (many by some of Hollywood's elite). Most notably the arrival of a Ralphs Fresh Fare marked the earnestness of the city and developers to make Downtown THE place to live. The other sectors of LA are getting attention as well.

LA is so large that even Downtown isn't considered the "heart" of it. That would be the Westside. West Hollywood is constantly growing. As seen in the picture above (taken from this morning's NY Times: ) housing is needed and creativity is being allowed to marry this necessity. Because of the constant influx of new residents and the long-awaited awareness of being better stewards of our planet housing projects such as the one above should and will increase.

It's pretty exciting to read about all the going ons in Los Angeles. Every time I go home I'm in constant awe and excitement to see what is growing and progressing. Focusing on developing Downtown is KEY. My main knock on the City of Angels is that it's too spread out. I've always said that what separates us from NYC is how densely packed Manhattan is. It's that intimate proximity that creates a dynamic unique to few metropolitan centers. At the same time our vastness has created a uniqueness unparalleled to any other city in the world except maybe Toronto.

I know I talk up LA a lot. I know it annoys many if not most people. But there is a reason to my rhyme. From my travels through out I've encountered the LA stereotype more often than I'd like to mention. That my city is full of plastics and douches. People out only for themselves and by going to LA you need to check your soul at the boarder. That sucks. Like most people I love my hometown but most people don't LOVE their hometown like I do LA. I've taken it upon myself to be an ambassador for my city and my state. Yeah, it's like trying to get welfare for the rich but it's needed. Our stigma is undeserved. The vitriol unnecessary. That is why I am who I am and will champion my home. I remember I had a co-worker at UCLA who was originally from NYC. He had to move to LA 'cause his dad's job relocated him. The kid finished high school then went on to UCLA. I met him him his senior year at work. We started talking about the differences between the two greatest cities in the Union. Then he proceeded to tell me that he too had in his head that LA was whacked and full of stuck-ups & plastics. But, after living in LA for as long as he had he realized it was undeserved. Most people he met where normal (shocker!) and were undeserved of the stereotype. I was relieved. It got me thinking. Why do we have this stigma? I realized it is the rest of the Union's fault.

Hollywood attracts a lot of scum. Don't get me wrong. I love Hollywood. Not because it's a bastion of goodness but because it hast the potential to be a bastion of goodness. Don't laugh. It's a symbol of hope and dreams and who can deny that? But, right now it's not. Right now it's where people can spew creative goodness or selfish crap. Too much of the latter recently. Also, it attracts some of the worst people. People from all over the world come to Hollywood to see their dreams realized or at least fight for them. Also, people from all over that come are plastics and douches. It is more than a theory at this point thanks to conversations with people in the Industry but the 2% of crap from all over, particularly other states (yes, you too Alaska) come to LA to seek fame & fortune and take residence in my beloved home. Thus when others come and interact with these "Los Angelinos" they become jaded with people and feel the "fake" stereotype is spot on. I hate this. I hate this with righteous indignation.

This is my home! This is my land! God didn't place me in LA to let it go to hell in a hand basket!!! I'm freakin' passionate for my home like Jeremiah was for his!! That's why I hate the jokes about it falling into the ocean and any other apocalyptic ending to the Golden State. I'm always jonsing to get back not to just be in paradise. No! I want to change it! I'm itching to get what I need done, done so that I can start plowing the fields and seeing my home land change! People will no longer be in bondage to their hedonism! Pornography will not call the Valley home! Skid Row will near 0 population! Righteousness & justice will reign once again in California. We will regain economic stability and affluence more than history has shown. Influence will grow as it continues to lead this nation (along with NY) and even influence the world. Leaders will continue to come out to lead California, the Nation and the world. From Eureka to Encinitas this WILL HAPPEN. I guarantee it.

1 comment:

Adam R. Crawford said...

A lot of these people probably only have the impression that LA is full of douches and plastics because you are the only person from there that they have met.

Oh, Snap!!!!!